Friday, April 23

Weeds, Walks, and Wunning (oh well, alliterating was a nice idea...)

Okay, I'm sorry I haven't written in a while! My poor little blog has been the last thing (or almost the last thing) on my mind while getting started back with navs.
This entry will probably be short too, seeing as how I've practised my guitar alot today so it hurts to type. :) I just taught myself to play 3 lovely songs in the last week: Sweet Home Alabama (YAY!), Strong Enough (Sheryl Crowe), and Hopelessly (Train). So now I can add that to my repertoire... the only other thing in it is Horse with No Name (America).
It's a simple song but a good one, because it's only 2 chords, and you can just play that and put in any words you want (mostly because I don't know the real words, but that's beside the point).

Today I was hanging out with Louise and Rhona (2 other interns, or "connect workers" as the job is called) and we were describing how each other walked! That was quite interesting. Rhona said I walk like a dancer because my toes kind of point outwards, and I stand up straight (which I think I do subconsciously because I'm so short!)... I guess that's a good thing... maybe. When Louise imitated my walk it was so good it was SCARY!

There's this girl who works at the convenience store around the corner called Evie who I've been chatting to recently, because I go shopping there alot. One day I noticed she had an Edinburgh U music society sweat shirt on, and so I asked her if she was in an orchestra and what instrument she played, and thus began our chat-relationship. Turned out she's a cellist in the symphony orchestra, and they were having a concert that evening, and she invited me to come. So I went along (the concert was really great) and we've kept chatting, and told eachother about what we did on spring break and all that. Today when Louise and Rhona and I went to the store to get ice cream, Evie was working and I introduced them and we talked about what movie we were watching and what she was up to at the weekend...
It was really cool, and now I am wondering what I could to do move it to "the next level". Sheesh, that sounds like I'm trying to date her! I just think it would be cool if I could invite her to a Navs thing, or maybe not even that, but it would be cool if somehow our chats could start going deeper, but that isn't exactly easy to do over a cash register when there are other folks in line behind me. Hmm... well I'll just keep trying and I'm sure God will provide the perfect opportunity when He sees fit.

Tomorrow I am getting up at 6am despite the fact it's a Saturday (WHY?!) to go running with Kristen, and afterwards we're having breakfast (I hope she makes me breakfast burritos again!) and then working in my new garden!

These college guys live downstairs in one of the ground floor flats (apartments) that has a little garden out front, maybe 8x15 ft, but they never use it and it's all weedy. I have been looking for something to do in my free time that is not watching a movie (time-waster) OR reading (I do too much during "work") OR with people (can also be work at times) to help me switch off, and I think gardening may be the ticket. It's really theraputic to rip out weeds and hack at old bush stumps... with your bare hands! I have this huge scab on my elbow now thats pretty gnarly... no, let's call it a battle scar, a badge of honor! (?!)

Okay, I guess my entry wasn't so short...

Music: It's a Jolly Holiday with Mary (from Mary Poppins)
Mood: subdued (it's a cloudy, yet not rainy day. "Dreich," I believe is the correct Scottish term, but you pronounce it "drEEhhh" like you're hawking a loogie... sort of). :)


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