Friday, March 23


Just got back from going to see one of my Navs girls in a rock gospel choir called Revelation (Rev).
If you hear 'gospel' and you think hymnals and choir robes, forget that!! There was a full band, plus the Edinburgh Uni drum society, amazing spotlights, and a choir of.... I don't know, 60+?
They sang everything from 'Amen' and 'Awesome God' to 'Hey Ya' and 'You Gotta Be'. At the end my friend Tori and I were up dancing in the aisles! I loved it. Some of the soloists were really great as well.

Running at 6.15am tomorrow and then doin a full day's work. Never in my life have I wished a Saturdays would pass quickly until starting this job! Oh well, it's not too bad. I eat my packed lunch in the garden at the Modern Art Gallery which is nice. Except for once I was wandering around and stepped on this stone circle and then after I was told 'you're not supposed to be on there' by some nosy fellow patron, I realised it was mean to be an artwork. Oops.

Current mood: ready for my bed.
Current music: A Day in the Life - Beatles.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey BG,

It was nice to read your post. I've missed you!
yer mum

9:05 am  

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