Sunday, April 1

The Motorcycle Diaries

I love this movie. They've stopped selling it. How interesting to watch Che Guevara develop from an immature boy in to a revolutionary through his interaction with individuals within the context of creation. There's something mysterious and HUGE about that which really grabs me. I love the theme of travel, moving on, leaving behind.
"Dear Mom," he wrote, "What do we leave behind when we cross a frontier? Each moment seems split in two: melancholy for what is left behind, and excitement for what is ahead." I feel like that's the story of my life!

Current Mood: Satisfied.
Current Music: BBC Radio Scotland News.


Blogger Peter G said...

Hi Anna-Lauren!

OK, so I haven’t seen you in almost five years, and now that I’ve linked to your blog I have to leave a somewhat negative post. So awkward! Well, too bad. Haha!

Here’s the thing. Robert Redford is a brilliant movie-maker, but his talent is obviously for fiction, to which the Motorcycle Diaries is no exception. Any movie that creates an inspirational story out of the life of a psychopathic mass-murderer has to rely pretty heavily on fiction. This movie is pure propaganda, written primarily by the Communist Party of Cuba, with Redford as their proxy. Ernesto Guevara was not a visionary; he was Fidel Castro’s hit man. Simply put, the one thing he was good at, he enjoyed immensely: killing. Not just men, but women, children, and animals.

Please don’t buy what Hollywood is selling. To this day, Cubans suffer in prisons and concentration camps that are the real legacy of Che Guevara. It is a travesty that Americans buy into the myth of his “heroism.” If you would be willing to do me a huge favor, please read some articles by Humberto Fontova:

Peace in Christ.
-Peter Gay

4:01 pm  

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