This weekend we went up to the Ornkey Islands for the wedding of my friend Sarah Rowe to Matthew Finn. It was gorgeous! And so full of life, full of God. It's an incredible thing to witness two lives, so focussed on following Jesus, unite to follow Him together. Here's some pictures to show you what Orkney's like:
The Ring of Brodgar... older than the pyramids...

A beach on Orkney

Lots of amasing food, including haggis, fry-ups, and Pollack (fish) that we caught straight from the sea (well, I didn't catch it, Ben did, but I got to taste it!)... lots of great dancing (ceilidhs), I swam in the FREEZING North sea, lots of great conversations (ranging from the relevance of marriage in a postmodern society to whether or not there's a God), and even played a bit of footie... I am not very good but I have a slightly vicious side...
Sarah and Matthew are staying with us tomorrow night (yippee!!) as they have to fly through Edinburgh to get to Africa for their 5 week honeymoon doing charity work in Kenya. How cool is that.
Current Mood: procrastinating (again)
Current Music: some Thomas Tallis piece... think it's something about hacked him up in pieces sma'...
This weekend we went up to the Ornkey Islands for the wedding of my friend Sarah Rowe to Matthew Finn. It was gorgeous! And so full of life, full of God. It's an incredible thing to witness two lives, so focussed on following Jesus, unite to follow Him together. Here's some pictures to show you what Orkney's like:
The Ring of Brodgar... older than the pyramids...

A beach on Orkney

Lots of amasing food, including haggis, fry-ups, and Pollack (fish) that we caught straight from the sea (well, I didn't catch it, Ben did, but I got to taste it!)... lots of great dancing (ceilidhs), I swam in the FREEZING North sea, lots of great conversations (ranging from the relevance of marriage in a postmodern society to whether or not there's a God), and even played a bit of footie... I am not very good but I have a slightly vicious side...
Sarah and Matthew are staying with us tomorrow night (yippee!!) as they have to fly through Edinburgh to get to Africa for their 5 week honeymoon doing charity work in Kenya. How cool is that.
Current Mood: procrastinating (again)
Current Music: some Thomas Tallis piece... think it's something about hacked him up in pieces sma'...
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