Thursday, June 1

Isle of Skye... gorgeous

A late night sesh... voices, guitars, bodhrans, flutes...

In the pub... again... Claire says "AGH!"

After tour at Sari's bye-bye dinner. Tim jus shoved a whole head of lettuce in my mouth. :-D

So it was fun. And tiring. 4 concerts in 5 days plus hundreds and hundreds of miles. Sounds familiar to a few of you I know! It was great but I was glad to get back as well, especially as I've still got a huge load of homework to do. Trying to kick it as fast as possible.

Yesterday I had a Navs prayer meeting in Glasgow, and when I got back, there was a gorgeous bouquet of Star lilies and eucalyptus sitting on the kitchen table!! Awww. I carry them around the house with me. It's sad, I know. But If they're on the kitchen table and I'm studying in the lounge, they're going to waste. So I'm sniffing in the flower smell now.

You'll be glad to know that most of the mice have gone to the giant mousetrap in the sky. I think.

We have a Navs "new team" day on Saturday and then I'm running 5K in the Cancer research Race for Life on Sunday. Sunday afternoon and Monday are my days off. Whew...

Current Mood: space-bar happy
Current Music: Thirteen - Big Star


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