Monday, August 15

Walkin' Blues

This morning as I slowly munched my slice of banana bread I pondered.
It's been a while since I've been on the road... carrying my only belongings... walking anywhere I wanted to get... eating breakfast for lunch or tuna from a can... dodging scary men... ferrying wherever the wind blew.

There's something refreshing about not knowing where the heck you're going (or maybe not even where you are) but at least you have your ticket home. Like going to Prague with the Lofters or to Ireland with Liesl.
Yeah, my feet be itchin to get on the road.

Great book: "A Ride in the Neon Sun: A Gaijin in Japan"

By the way my sweet mint iced tea went down a treat at the party. The #1 comment was "wow, that's so refreshing." Of COURSE it is. Why else would we drink it in Texas.

Current mood: smarty
Current music: Walkin Man - by James Taylor


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