Tuesday, August 22

Back Out of the Saddle Again...

Sunday night Tim and I just got back from going to visit his parents in Kosovo. We stayed with them in Pristina, the capital city, where they threw us another huge wedding party to introduce their local friends to us... what a party! Lots of Albanian and Scottish dancing, loud music, and it ended with the men jumping into a swimming pool with their suits on (led by Tim of course)!

After just over a week there we began an 8 day drive down through Kosovo, Macedonia, Greece, then got a ferry up the Adriatic Sea to Venice, drove through the mountains of northern Italy, through Austria, Germany and Holland, got another ferry down the channel to England, drove up through England and back to Edinburgh! What a trip. It was loads of fun and I saw some of the most beautiful parts of the world I've ever seen.

Pretty tired now and still unemployed! Agh! Oh well, I know it will take some time. It's actually good that I don't have a job right now... it means I can use this time to get everything sorted after our trip.

I loved seeing the photos of Lael's wedding and Charissa's new baby on the Loft website. As wonderful as it is to be here, sometimes I can't help but feel that I am majorly missing out on other things.

Current Mood: Waves of nostalgia
Current Music: Live jazz guitar music wafting through the window - The musician outside the new Mark's & Spencers which just opened around the corner today


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