Sunday, July 9

Got rejection letters for the 2 jobs I wanted most. Dang. At first was pretty upset but now just feelin resigned. Still waiting to hear about 3 jobs I don't want as much, but Father knows best and that's gonna be okay.

Was in Birmingham doin a study week for FFM (distance learning course)... only 3,500 words of essay to go!! Whew. Got back Friday night and then on Saturday morning got up early to go to a friend's house and fix her hair for her WEDDING! And she wore my watch (we had matching watches by coincidence and her watch stopped this week) and I wore her shirt to the wedding. :-) Was lots of fun. Bride and groom were both in my choir so it was a big choir event among other things.

This week will be spent whoopin that essay's butt... and more job hunting. Looking forward to it in a strange kind of way: the paper is researching and writing a Bible study on a passage of Romans.


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