Thursday, September 22

Well, autumn is here, ain't it?

Maybe not for you guys back in the states, but it's definitely creeping in here. I am trading in my flip flops for my sweaters (or "jumpers" as they say here). Today I went to Glasgow to visit some friends. The 40 minutes walking from the train station to their house (and the 40 minutes walking back) afforded nothing but chill and spitting rain. Imagine standing under one of those little vegetable moisturiser spray things at the grocery that keeps the veggies looking moist and fresh... well let's just say I was looking moist and fresh most of today. Not that I'm complaining. No.

I just had a 1-on-1 with a girl in my Navs group, Sarah. She's awesome! She just graduated and is now in a job at a medical research company. Most Christians have to fight their way in to Gospel conversations with non-believers... well Sarah is having to fight them off! No matter what she does, people at work just won't stop asking her about her faith! It's so exciting and really inspires me to keep trying with my friends as well. We just finished studying 1 John together and now we're going to study the Heidelberg Catechism's treatise on Prayer. Sounds fun.

Current Mood: Ready.
Current Music: Goodbye is All We Have - Alison Krauss


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