Friday, December 8

1 Concert down, 4 to go!

Well we had our first concert on Wednesday night. It went surprisingly well (for a first concert of the season) except for the fact that once I went and sat down in the front pew... when I thought I wasn't meant to be singing... but I was meant to be singing. Oops. And one time I sang the complete wrong words on a solo verse. And the audience had the words in their leaflets. Oops.
But other than that it was good fun!

I had my 3rd driving lesson yesterday (yep, learning to drive a stick!) which was fun. I get to drive a Mini! My instructor, Graham, is so unflappable and laid back that if he was any more laid back, he'd be laying down. Which is good. He doesn't "grab the handle" or over react if I make a mistake. I've been out in mainstream traffic now, so today I asked Tim if he'd take me out driving to get extra practice. He did very well. He only grabbed the handle once and never shouted, didn't scream "Mommy" which was positive. And we're still married! No, seriously, he was encouraging and said that I knew everything I needed to know, just need to be confident. So that was encouraging. :-)

I can't wait to start making our flat Christmassy! I need some twinkle lights, my Christmas ornaments from TX, some holly branches, and also to do some seasonal baking... Mom just sent me a bunch of our traditional family recipes. Yummmm......

Current Mood: Mmmm... Buckeyes....
Current Music: My husband's voice! (Awww, shucks!)

Monday, December 4

My Life This Week...

-Last Navs meeting of the semester (for which I'm cooking as usual)
-Lunch with Dayspring, a friend from my old church St. Columba's
-Dinner with my friend Claire (in Choir)
-4 Choir concerts (
-Hanging out with Tim-Bo
-Dinner with my soon-to-be-12-year-old friend Lydia
-Breakfast with my old flatmate Jude
-A 2 hour driving lesson!!!
-An open house for Aften, a friend going on a mission trip
-Making/buying Christmas gifts
-Somehow fitting WORK in there as well
-And volunteering at CAB, which I have to go to now


Current Mood: Enjoying the sun despite the HAZARDOUS high winds
Current Music: Jesu, Son Most Sweet and Dear - Rudsambee