Saturday, October 28

Photos from our Kosova-European Tour! Sorry it's taken a while, but now here's a little taste of our trip with Tim's parents, Alan and Mary, through Kosova-Macedonia-Albania-Greece-Northern Italy-Austria-Germany-Holland-England-Scotland!

Prizren, one of Kosova's most beautiful and historic towns.
Traditional Albanian dancing (on the left) and music (on the right) at our dasma, or wedding party, thrown by Alan and Mary for their Kosovan friends! Albanian dancing + Scottish dancing = jump in the swimming pool fully clothed to cool off! Tim is dancing in his wedding suit behind the dancing guy in the stripy shirt...
Yours truly, dancing with friends at the end of the Dasma
With our friends the Berisha family!
Tim & Pup in Albania (only moments before Bessy, the Packers' faithful Volvo station wagon would get stuck at an off-road, deserted beach!)
An old monastery in Albania
Who invited those weirdos?!
More Venice :-)
In Kolne with the Boeker familyOn ferry back home to the UK, exhausted
With the Whittaker family in Northallerton, where Tim spent his teen years. Yeah, we'd pretty much lost it by that point!

Friday, October 13

AL wuz here.

So last weekend I was in the Lakes District. My choir, Rudsambee, were singing with another band in Cockermouth, which is where Wm. Wordsworth was born. Can you see from this photo how he would have been inspired to such grand poetry? :-) It was lots of good fun. Here were interesting things about the trip:
1. Travelling in the car with Frances, the choir director. She's lovely and hilarious!
2. Frances' driver-side windshield wiper stopped working... the rain was chucking it down!
3. My lovely host couple, David and Bridget! To my delight, they adopted me for the weekend.
4. The tour they took me on around the Lakes District
5. Singing (duh)... for those of you in the know, remember the "Whistle Daughter, Whistle" song which I sang at my wedding reception? Well we sang it again this time, and the guy who arranged the piece was in the audience! No pressure...
6. Our meal at the Ostrich farm on the return journey (including sheep's milk ice cream!) and shortly thereafter passing a cafe car park containing at LEAST 100 Harleys.
7. And then running over a poor little pheasant who was too stupid to stay off the road. Oops!

Current Mood: Chirpy
Current Music: Tim strumming Ol' Bess (my guitar)

Friday, October 6

Got some new shoes...

What do you think? :-)