Sunday, March 25

Saturday Night Fever

I love it when I get in to 'the zone'. You're going to laugh when I say what I mean by the zone. Yes, I'm talking to you, Mom! Basically, I don't like cleaning. And I like it even less because (being a carer by trade at the moment) my work is (among other things) to clean other people's houses. So when I actually get in to the mood to clean our house, I go for it. So last night, at 10 pm, after working since 8am, I vacuumed the flat (and moved most of the furniture!), washed a mammoth pile of dishes, tidied up our kitchen generally, washed the stove top, scrubbed down the bathroom, hung 2 loads of washing AND mopped the kitchen floor! Tim, I'm sure, is glad that he had escaped to the movies at that point so he didn't get sucked in to the black hole that is AL's cleaning zone. It's hereditary. :-) (Love you Mom!) And, yes, it feels so good afterwards!

Current Mood: clean!
Current Music: Money - Pink Floyd

Friday, March 23


Just got back from going to see one of my Navs girls in a rock gospel choir called Revelation (Rev).
If you hear 'gospel' and you think hymnals and choir robes, forget that!! There was a full band, plus the Edinburgh Uni drum society, amazing spotlights, and a choir of.... I don't know, 60+?
They sang everything from 'Amen' and 'Awesome God' to 'Hey Ya' and 'You Gotta Be'. At the end my friend Tori and I were up dancing in the aisles! I loved it. Some of the soloists were really great as well.

Running at 6.15am tomorrow and then doin a full day's work. Never in my life have I wished a Saturdays would pass quickly until starting this job! Oh well, it's not too bad. I eat my packed lunch in the garden at the Modern Art Gallery which is nice. Except for once I was wandering around and stepped on this stone circle and then after I was told 'you're not supposed to be on there' by some nosy fellow patron, I realised it was mean to be an artwork. Oops.

Current mood: ready for my bed.
Current music: A Day in the Life - Beatles.

Thursday, March 22

Back from the dead... again...

I won't make reference to the fact that I haven't posted since last YEAR, but anyway there it is.
I was working today, which was fine... one of my clients lives in an area that's awkward to get to, so I ended up running to his house (jogging?) and back, and to the next client's house and back... over 10 1/2 KM!! I think that's over 6 miles, but not sure. So feeling a bit run over now! It's good for me I'm sure.

I'm looking forward to my day off tomorrow - going to sleep in, then meet a mentoree for coffee, and then meet MY mentor for coffee, and then I'm going to a gospel choir concert! The choir is called Revelation, and apparently they're really good.... plus one of my Navs girls is in it. Very excited. It's meant to last from 7-11pm! In true gospel music style. :-)

My friend Natalie came for dinner last night before choir, and she brought ginger cake that was iced with the most delicious white icing EVER! It was really nice and chewy. She said "I feel like my teeth are snowboarding on this icing." :-)


Current mood: happy but knackered.
Current music: Sparks - Coldplay