Sunday, October 30

So, Barcelona...
Surprise! To all of you who were wondering where we went on honeymoon, wonder no longer. We had an amazing week under Barcelona's blue sky. We ate loads of fresh seafood and fruits and veggies... yum!! The city was full of fun stuff to do: cathedrals, art galleries, museums (including Gaudi and Dali), innumberable cute alleys to wander down, and gelati ice cream (oh yeah). I loved speaking Spanish all the time and Tim learned a bunch as well. I taught him really helpful phrases like "Una cerveza, por favor" and "Dame un beso, muchacha". :-)
If I absolutely was forced to live there... I could definitely deal with it.
We got back home yesterday (thank you Lofters for our lovely surprise! that was really sweet) and it's nice to be in our own place.
Today will be a day of cleaning and unpacking... oh joy.

Current Mood: content
Current Music: Tim's playing worship songs on his guitar :-)

Friday, October 21

YAHEE!! Today is the Day!

This is the last time I'll type my name as AnnaLauren Hunt! :-)
Skylar is practising for me the fiddle songs that she's going to play at our party tonight. She sounds like a star.

Probably should go brush my teeth now instead.... what am I doing BLOGGING on my wedding day?!?!?!

Thursday, October 20

The Final Countdown Begins!!!

Well, 22 hours from now I'll be married. I am amazed at how NOT stressed out I am. I'm definitely in "busy" gear right now, but everything's going great. Just now packing and writing a few thank you notes and we're going to do the "test drive" at the church tonight.


Current Mood: Pretty darn happy.
Current Music: Bzzzzzz - the man with the mower outside.

Saturday, October 15

Oops... sideways... well how do you like my boots? Don't hurt your neck.

Sky looking beautiful on her 17th b-day


Don't know why I typed Roadkill. Maybe I typed it because that's what I feel like. I should really be in bed now, seeing as it's 1.30 am and I have a morning prayer meeting in our pod tomorrow.

Got wedding dress today - it's hanging on the hook on my bedroom door!

Tomorrow's my hen night. For those of you who don't know what a hen night is, it's like a bachelorette party. Guys have a stag party (bachelor party). Don't worry, no male strippers will feature in tomorrow night's festivities. Other people are organizing it so I have no idea of what to expect. Should be interesting! :-) I'll let you know if I survive.

Current Mood: Road kill. Nuff said.
Current Music: The Land of Vertigo - Waterdeep

Thursday, October 13

Your Inner European is French!

Smart and sophisticated.
You have the best of everything - at least, *you* think so.


Tuesday, October 11

Me and Sky Bo

Me and Tim

Mom, Dad, Sky, Mimi and B-Daddy are here now! Today was interesting, as my family and all the Navs students passed in the doorway... my fam out to vacate the premesis, and the Navs students to fill every inch of it. :-) It was a good night. Think we may start a Da Vinci Code book group, and hopefully invite friends along. Did the crying thing again (i.e. crying for no reason as soon as all the students leave)... poor Tim didn't know what to do with me. I'm sure he'll get used to it. Hugs are good.

Tomorrow Sky and I are going to my church's moms and toddlers group in the morning... but it's almost 1 am and the sound of facing 15or more little kids early in the morning makes me want to snuggle further under my sleeping bag... which is where I'm sleeping right now! Crazy times.

Current mood: bed.
Current music: my mind is a blank sheet. that's not a song, it's just my mind really is blank. :-)

Saturday, October 8

A Poker Shark...

...I am not. There was a poker extravaganza on tonight over at Lincoln's... there were 3 tables of 9 each! But tonight I just wasn't feeling patient and I was the first to go All-in... and lose! My two pair was beat by Andy Stothers' flush. Ah well.

I did that thing again of not stopping, so I got kinda sick and lost my voice this week. It's back now, almost in full force! It feels really weird picking up the phone to talk and knowing that the noise that comes out of your mouth is not going to sound like you. Several times when people called me, after I said "Hello," they paused like a deer in the headlights unsure of whether to just hang up and redial, or try to clarify with "AnnaLauren??" Maybe in the future when I don't want to talk I'll just answer the call with a smokers voice, "Aah, whaddaya want?!"

Only 12 days tomorrow til we get married! :-) Early tomorrow morning my family will arrive, and Tim's a few days after. I'm going to have to get up at about 5:45 am to go to the airport. Ow. But it's wooo-oooo-ooorth it!! I can't wait to bite a big chunk out of Skylar. Yum!!

Current Mood: Tongue-hangin-out-of-mouth-tired
Current Music: I'm Afraid I'm Not Supposed to Be Like This - Waterdeep