Friday, September 30

Prej and Pridudice

Well I swore I wouldn't do it. But I did. Yes, I actually went to see the new "Pride and Prejudice".
After receiving a grab bag of varying reports I thought I'd have to go see for myself. And I was pleasantly surprised! Don't expect it to be just like the BBC (A&E) version. If you're looking for replication this isn't it, but it was as faithful to the text as it could be without taking 5 hours.

Now I know what you're all thinking... what about Mr. Darcy?! Well, this guy was not Colin Firth, but he was a good, and slightly more human, Mr. Darcy. And there was no pond at Pemberly, in case you were wondering. :-) The unforgettable, snivelling Mr. Collins was still laughable but also a little freaky.

I liked that this version represented the surroundings in a slightly dirtier, more crowded and earthy way instead of lovely and pristine. It seemed more true to life in that sense. And Kiera Knightly, though skinny as ever and un-Lizzie like in that respect, made a fine, spunky job of the role - she seemed more human as well, less masked. And she had "fine eyes" though the film didn't point them out this time around. Her family was certainly as annoying as ever, speaking of my poor nerves.

So there you go.

Current mood: Well it's sunny, so I'm feeling pretty good!
Current music: Refine Me - Jennifer Knapp

Sunday, September 25

The world just keeps getting smaller

I walked in to church slightly late this evening after a cracking afternoon of Bible pictionary, and who was sitting in church... who in the world except Dr. Kenneth Stewart and his wife of Covenant College! I rubbed my eyes cartoon-style and blinked. Yep. After the service was over (and in my surprise I must admit I had a hard time concentrating on the sermon) I ran over and hijacked poor Ian's conversation with them to introduce myself. Turns out he's over here on sabbatical, studying. They were really lovely and very interested in all that I was doing over here.

Kind of made me miss Covenant slightly... and reminded me again of how priviledged we all were to get that kind of education, in terms of Bible teaching. There is simply nothing here like that, even if you are a divinity student. Covenant had its drawbacks to be honest, but it was a blessing too.

Navs meets at *my house* for the first time tomorrow night... 20 students... 9 chairs... it's going to be interesting!!!

Just read a good book. "The Last Ride" by Thomas Eidson. It's about a washed-up white American Indian who comes to find his long-lost daughter to save his granddaughter and rekindle their relationship. There was a bit too much post-modern spirituality "this is my personal grab-bag of religion" chat in there for a good old western, but it was a good read and a page-turner. And heart-wrenching at the end!! I hate coming to the end of good books.

Current mood: cheery
Current music: speed of sound - coldplay

Saturday, September 24

Hair today, gone tomorrow

Here it is, 11pm and I just realised I've wasted about 20 minutes of my precious life looking at a website about how to grow your hair long. No wonder people are having nervous breakdowns when the regimine for growing your hair is more rigorous than bootcamp! Forget it. I'm gonna whack. J.I. Jane, here I come.

...Maybe not til after the wedding.

Today was a day full of people. I think tomorrow I'd rather just stay in a closet. Time for bed now anyway.

Current mood: zzzzzzz
Current music: zzzzzzzz

Thursday, September 22

Well, autumn is here, ain't it?

Maybe not for you guys back in the states, but it's definitely creeping in here. I am trading in my flip flops for my sweaters (or "jumpers" as they say here). Today I went to Glasgow to visit some friends. The 40 minutes walking from the train station to their house (and the 40 minutes walking back) afforded nothing but chill and spitting rain. Imagine standing under one of those little vegetable moisturiser spray things at the grocery that keeps the veggies looking moist and fresh... well let's just say I was looking moist and fresh most of today. Not that I'm complaining. No.

I just had a 1-on-1 with a girl in my Navs group, Sarah. She's awesome! She just graduated and is now in a job at a medical research company. Most Christians have to fight their way in to Gospel conversations with non-believers... well Sarah is having to fight them off! No matter what she does, people at work just won't stop asking her about her faith! It's so exciting and really inspires me to keep trying with my friends as well. We just finished studying 1 John together and now we're going to study the Heidelberg Catechism's treatise on Prayer. Sounds fun.

Current Mood: Ready.
Current Music: Goodbye is All We Have - Alison Krauss

Tuesday, September 20

Third Time's a Charm

Well I have tried several times today to post but it hadn't happened.... okay, woah, I just got distracted by this girl walking down the street whose pony tail was cinched up on the very TOP of her head... it looked like an erupting fire hydrant! YIKES.

Went to the doctor today. Been havin these bizarre dizzy spells where all of a sudden I just lose equilibrium for about a minute... The doc didn't know what the heck it was. Probably Planning-a-wedding-itis. Heh...

Here comes fire hydrant girl again with a huge can of lager in her hand. Hm.... I like this computer being in front of a window! I feel like Jimmy Stewart in Alfred Hitchcock's "Rear Window". From here I can also see a window across the street and 2 stories above me that is using an American flag as a curtain. Interesting. And directly across from me there is a girl who works at the grocery store. She almost never shuts her curtains so as I type my emails I can see her putting on her make up, fighting with her boyfriend, washin dishes. It's like a trip to the theatre. Will keep you posted on further episodes. :) Okay, so I'm nosy.

Current Mood: inquisitive
Current Music: Nameless - JJ72 (I'm going to see them in concert this Friday!!)


Monday, September 5

Sky-bo's website!!!!

Current Mood: killemail
current music: He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven - W.B. Yeats
I'm Back From The Dead!!!
Well we've been on a real trip since the last time I posted. Tim and I now own a HOUSE!! That process was probably one of the hardest things, if not the hardest thing, I have ever done. Everything that imaginably could have gone wrong DID. It was another one of those "11th hour" saves. Buying a place here works differently than in America.

Trying to buy a house in Britain makes getting a work visa look like a piece of angel food cake.

But, Tim and I both learned alot. And we were really forced to trust God when things were out of control. Which is always a good place to be. Not that it was pleasant.
So, now we've got alot of scrubbing and vacuuming ahead of us. Oh, and I need a bed to sleep on (thankfully I'm not completely bedless- in the meantime I'm staying at Tim's parents' flat!)
We also have a table and chairs! Yay.

Thanks for continuing to post stuff even when I wasn't. :) (See Aaron, I've posted!! Now you have to!! So nyaa.)

Heathers, I'm so glad you can come!!!!!! Who else?

Current Mood: foggy (that's what it looks like outside)
Current Music: the soothing whir of this compy