Saturday Night Fever
I love it when I get in to 'the zone'. You're going to laugh when I say what I mean by the zone. Yes, I'm talking to you, Mom! Basically, I don't like cleaning. And I like it even less because (being a carer by trade at the moment) my work is (among other things) to clean other people's houses. So when I actually get in to the mood to clean our house, I go for it. So last night, at 10 pm, after working since 8am, I vacuumed the flat (and moved most of the furniture!), washed a mammoth pile of dishes, tidied up our kitchen generally, washed the stove top, scrubbed down the bathroom, hung 2 loads of washing AND mopped the kitchen floor! Tim, I'm sure, is glad that he had escaped to the movies at that point so he didn't get sucked in to the black hole that is AL's cleaning zone. It's hereditary. :-) (Love you Mom!) And, yes, it feels so good afterwards!
Current Mood: clean!
Current Music: Money - Pink Floyd
I love it when I get in to 'the zone'. You're going to laugh when I say what I mean by the zone. Yes, I'm talking to you, Mom! Basically, I don't like cleaning. And I like it even less because (being a carer by trade at the moment) my work is (among other things) to clean other people's houses. So when I actually get in to the mood to clean our house, I go for it. So last night, at 10 pm, after working since 8am, I vacuumed the flat (and moved most of the furniture!), washed a mammoth pile of dishes, tidied up our kitchen generally, washed the stove top, scrubbed down the bathroom, hung 2 loads of washing AND mopped the kitchen floor! Tim, I'm sure, is glad that he had escaped to the movies at that point so he didn't get sucked in to the black hole that is AL's cleaning zone. It's hereditary. :-) (Love you Mom!) And, yes, it feels so good afterwards!
Current Mood: clean!
Current Music: Money - Pink Floyd